28th February 2025
How to Overcome Negative Thoughts with Meditation Have you ever felt completely trapped in your own thoughts? Unable to escape the negative loop that seems to control your life? The constant chatter in your mind can be overwhelming.... Pulling you into a cycle of overthinking and worry. It's not easy to overcome ...read more
21st August 2024
How to train that beautiful monkey mind with meditation? Many people who come to my yoga retreats have never really meditated. The really in italics as most of them have tried the apps or even followed an 8 week MBSR course but then, falling out of practice. For many, the retreat ...read more
1st July 2024
It’s safe to say that you might not be human if you don’t worry at all. There’s always some little worry that can play tricks on your mind. Even when you are all relaxed and ‘zen’, there might be a moment of worry at some point during the day. Worry becomes a ...read more
29th June 2021
We can be our own worst enemy, I should have done this, said that, I’m such a …. Thinking like this, allowing the negative self-talk and beliefs to take over, has an impact on your overall wellbeing. Moreover, this constellation of negative thoughts can increase your stress levels towards chronic stress ...read more
6th October 2020
'Just breathe, just follow your breath, allow the body to breathe', you've probably heard these words before at some point in a yoga or meditation class. Resulting in a sweet roll of the eyes perhaps. An understandable roll of the eyes as it can be seriously boring to observe your breath. I ...read more
22nd September 2020
In our daily newsfeed, love and kindness don't seem to exist. Most people are completely fed up with all the Corona talk, the news, the negativity, the fear, all the opinions and the expert views? Plans getting cancelled, urgh… over and over again. Corona has catapulted us into a completely different world. I often ...read more
30th May 2020
After years of practice, reciting So Hum is still one of my favourite meditation techniques to teach. It is a very powerful and yet, a very simple technique. The mantra, so hum is like a tool for the mind. Something to hold on to, and something to go back to when the ...read more
27th April 2020
Even for the most grounded person, it’s really not easy to rest in that calm abidance that is often times mentioned in Buddhism. These are seriously challenging times and so many feel pulled in all kinds of different directions. As a human species, we have been through a thing or two ...read more
30th October 2016
Oh, I would love to but I don’t know if I can make time.This must be the global top excuse when life gets busy or when you don’t want to feel guilty about skipping something. People spend hours though watching bad TV series, phones are getting at least 180 checks a ...read more
28th August 2014
Does the idea of starting with meditation freak you out? No time? You can't sit still? Too difficult for you? Too many (dancing and out of control) monkeys running around in your mind? Or would you even describe your mind as a Zoo, filled with monkeys and an occasional elephant passing by? Several ...read more