24th June 2018
This is part two of a series, covering the ten principles of yoga philosophy, also known as the yamas and niyamas. From my perspective as a life coach and teacher, I invite you to discover this ancient wisdom with me. I invite you to explore how you can integrate ...read more
23rd June 2018
Do you know this feeling of being all Zen and relaxed after your yoga class and just half an hour later, you’re feeling completely frustrated again? Just because your partner wasn’t supportive enough, you read a work email or your kids were, well, being kids? Taking your yoga beyond the physical ...read more
4th May 2018
Do you have any yoga poses to ease lower back pain? Probably one of the top questions I get asked. Or, what should I do to relieve my back pain? “Move”… is the easy answer. Move every hour, move at least half an hour per day, every single day, go for walks, dance, ...read more
18th December 2017
Flexibility and yoga, they seem to go together like a horse and carriage, in most people’s minds. What comes to these minds is usually the flexibility on the mat: How you can navigate yourself in some kind of a gymnastic pretzeling exercise. What I’m interested in, is to check on this ...read more
16th February 2016
From the very start of my yoga path, I have been attracted by this question; what is yin yoga? Ten years ago, I did my first shiatsu training (very simply said: finger pressure, acupuncture without the needles) and I loved giving treatments as I was fascinated by the results of ...read more
28th August 2014
Does the idea of starting with meditation freak you out? No time? You can't sit still? Too difficult for you? Too many (dancing and out of control) monkeys running around in your mind? Or would you even describe your mind as a Zoo, filled with monkeys and an occasional elephant passing by? Several ...read more
16th June 2014
Just typing in the words ' yoga sequence ' on You tube will give you about 131.000 hits. Then there's yoga sequences for beginners, for weight loss, for abs, for core, for sleep, for hips, etc. And still, many participants from our yoga holidays and also my students in Antwerp often ask ...read more
12th May 2014
A blog post on request as I have had many new students asking me what poses they can do for headaches and migraines. So before grabbing the pill bottle, consider a yogic breathing exercise and these four yoga poses to help relieve tension, boost circulation, and calm the ...read more
1st November 2013
Last weekend, I enjoyed three days in what looked like, Yogic Disneyland. Together with Giulia, owner of In Sabina in Italy and Gustavo Ponce owner of Canal Om in Chile, we set up our own stand at the London Yoga Om Show, in Olympia. 15.000 yogis to be expected, 4000 flyers ready ...read more
28th July 2013
It's just another Thursday morning and we just finished our yoga class. Tuning in with the breath, neck rotations, my crazy ankle flexes, some hip and heart openers, gentle twists, one sun salut, arm torture with the belts, forward folds, backward folds, warrior 1, 2, triangle, another sun salut, sphinx, ...read more