Most of our retreats sell out before they are actually put on the website.
If you have any questions, contact Rachel at


Based on solid methods, this retreat will take you further than ever before

There is no perfect way to handle the hard things in life.
This retreat offers science based methods and tools that bring insight into your why’s and professional guidance for feeling better.

We give you methods to manage your fears and tame your self-critic.
You will overcome worry and find your way forward, easily and effortlessly.

Lead by two women who know what stress is.
We know what it means to be under pressure and perform, to have relationships, kids, a job, house and a social agenda.

Rachel, being a former COO and now a certified mindset coach, has followed over 1000 hours of yoga trainings around the world in the last decade. From ashtanga to yin, she trained with the best and you will feel this in every class.
Her Mindful Movement Classes are way beyond bending forwards and backwards on a mat.
No need to be flexible, no need to like yoga, injuries are welcome, fit or less fit: do not worry, you will love every single class!

“Rachel’s coaching is like an iron fist in a velvet glove.
With kindness and compassion, she will lead you straight to the point you want to go.”

Katleen is a former lawyer, with an immense amount of experience in mediating, counseling and coaching.
She followed just about any training there is to have as many tools as possible in her sessions.
From NLP to cognitive systemic therapy, human behaviours have little secrets to her.
The Reiss ® Motivation Profile will take up an important part be a on this retreat. In her practise, she has seen the most results when people thoroughly grasp the full meaning of this powerful tool.

Our retreat takes place at the fabulous Quaryati. We have hosted over 25 week retreats here. It is a beautiful retreat venue and offers more than you can even imagine on a retreat. There’s an informal spirit and you will feel right at home.

Join in on a fully balanced week of movement, adventure and well deserved me time. Find some peace of mind during our classes on an absolutely amazing yoga deck. With views on the High Atlas Mountains, we can assure you, nothing quite like it.

Or deeply relax during your treatment, all included in your retreat package.

Go home with powerful tools in hand that can remove stress, anxiety and overwhelm within minutes.

Feel more positive and empowered

By far, this is one of our absolutely favourite locations and we can’t wait to welcome you at Quaryati.

If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate contacting us.

This retreat is now over for this year..

Please contact Rachel at to find out about dates next year or other Revaling Vajra retreats.


An all-inclusive experience that will reconnect you with your authentic Self and what you want in Life.

Our all-inclusive price includes:

  • 7 nights at Quaryati
  • 1 day in the Agafay desert in the best desert camp
  • Exploration of Marrakech
  • Hiking in the High Atlas Mountains
  • 3 healthy nutritious meals a day
  • Daily meditation and movement classes
  • 1 full length massage treatment
  • 1 typical hammam
  • Welcome gifts


  • Your personal REISS® Motivation Profile
  • Full analysis of your profile
  • 1 session with Katleen, certified psycho therapist
  • 1 session with Rachel, certified coach
  • 5 transformative workshops to grow more ressources within yourself and fully understand “why you do what you do
  • A day in Marrakech like no other
  • A one to to one call before the retreat
  • A Masterclass to follow up on your goals and intentions, 2 weeks post-retreat

Rachel is adding 12 years of Retreat hosting and organising to the mix. She has organised and hosted over 100 worldwide week retreats and has even lived in Morocco for 4 years. Rest assured, everything will be organised to perfection and you don’t have to worry about a thing.

We have an entire team on site, ready for you to assist you anyway you need.
The delicious meals you will enjoy are prepared with love and care.
Professional guidance in all classes and workshops.
We see massages and coaching as part of the experience. Consequently, they are included in your retreat price.
You will get to know different meditation techniques.
You do not open your wallet for a week.
A wonderful blend of international participants, from all over the globe.

The intention behind the retreat is to replenish yourself, to relax and to rejuvenate.

Rachel’s retreat is exceptional.
I booked this retreat to give myself time and to find head-space. The retreat was everything I could have hoped for and more. Rachel is a wonderful teacher, leading the group and building each class to fit both novice yogis and experienced ones. The atmosphere that Rachel created gave the opportunity of finding good balance between, mind, body and spirit. I leave feeling rested and strengthened. I will definitely be booking another retreat with Revealing Vajra.
Sarah Russell Felth, Sweden


What if you would discover what your real underlying motivations are for your actions….

  • Your relationships that you have with family, friends, colleagues and partners.
  • The job that you do.
  • Hobbies.
  • Even explaining why you have the body that you have right now.

Insight will give you the power to make more conscious choices, which means…

  • You will know and feel what it is to live a meaningful life.
  • In your coaching sessions, you will identify the areas for growth and self-development.
  • Your meditation can be focused on reprogramming your brain.

Coaching, follow up and support will happen throughout the week as well, not just during your individual sessions.

Having a certified coach and a therapist on-site with you all week is Gold.

Your 5 workshops this week will be:

  1. REISS ® Motivation Analysis
  2. The Red Zone
  3. Deep healing
  4. Reprogramming your brain: Neuroplasticity and Meditation
  5. Flex Your Mind: How to keep your Zen in daily life


Marrakesh, an ancient city of weathered pink buildings, romantic restaurants, museums, palaces, bustling souks (markets) and upscale shops. It’s hard to believe that Quaryati is located at just half an hour drive from the Medina.  You will find yourself in a different world.

Each air-conditioned room and suite has a traditional Moroccan-style decor and furniture. Some of the rooms include a private balcony and views of the High Atlas. “Just the right place to really unwind, forget the Stress and Relax”!

Rooms are spacious, well equipped and all have ensuite bathrooms.

The owner of Quaryati, Françoise, has an incredible eye for detail so all that you could wish for is already there.

Guests will not only enjoy the grounds of Quaryati, the outdoor areas including a lovely pool, patio, private terraces, but this retreat includes some amazing day-trips to the surrounding sites.

Marrakesh, an awesome tour exploring the nearby Atlas Mountains and the Agafay desert.
You will not find this offer anywhere else!



Flying into Marrakech Airport, RAK.

Ideally arriving before 5PM on the 9th of June, this gives you plenty of time to easily settle in and be on time for our Orientation at 7PM.

Transfers are included in your retreat price on start and end date of the retreat.
Our driver will be waiting for you.


We like to be open to the unexpected and considering the theme of the week, there needs to be the element of ‘not knowing’ and surprise of course.

Sunday, June 9th: Arrival day
Orientation at 7PM so ideally, you arrive at the Marrakech airport before 5PM.
Our driver will be there to pick you up, mint tea served on arrival… welcome to Morocco!

Monday, June 10th: Winding down, reeeelax
During this week, you will be introduced to a special Meditation technique that will inspire you like no other.
No worries if you are new to meditation, or if you are very experienced: it will appeal to all.
After a lovely breakfast, the Quaryati breakfast buffet is phenomenal (!), we head towards our first REISS ® Motivation Workshop.
Lunch by the pool and winding down completely with a hammam or a massage in the afternoon.
After sunset, we gather again for a Mindful Movement Class.

Tuesday, June 11th: Letting the Silence speak
During our meditation session and breakfast, we will hold the Noble Silence.
There is also a morning walk, all in silence.
After lunch, we break our silence and leave the option open to speak, or not.
If you had a hammam yesterday, you will have a massage today: can it get any better than this to give your body and mind the sign to relax and recharge?
Our evening Workshop will have movements, insights and writing time.

Wednesday, June 12th: The High Atlas Mountains
Getting grounded in our new meditation technique during our morning session.
After yet another glorious breakfast, we set course to the High Atlas Mountains, where we will hike, have lunch with the best view in the world and have a sunny workshop with Katleen.

Thursday, June 13th: Desert Vibes! 
Starting the day with meditation and Mindful Movement, followed by individual coaching sessions with Katleen and Rachel.
Lunch in the Agafay Desert and lots of fun things to do here 🙂

Friday, June 14th: All about Experiences
Meditation and Mindful Movement.
After breakfast, we head to Marrakech. The way we have organised it, you will see and experience the city in a very alternative way. We will have lunch at thé coolest roof top in Marrakech.
After lunch, we head back to our home for the week and have the afternoon for relaxing and personal sessions. This would be an excellent time for an extra massage, a swim, or for doing absolutely nothing.

Saturday, June 15: Contemplate
A day to bring everything together and to do what you still want to do.
There is meditation, yoga and individual coaching sessions with Katleen and Rachel but above all, this day is for You.

Sunday, June 15th: Departure day
After breakfast, our all-inclusive programme ends.


Healthy Nutritious Cuisine

Lovely food is part of the yoga retreat experience. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are all included during this retreat.
The cuisine in Morocco is absolutely delicious. Using fresh ingredients from the on-site organic gardens or local markets.
We can cater for gluten free, dairy free, vegetarian and vegan; this is not part of the Moroccan culture so meals might be more simple than what you are used to. There’s also the option to eat meat/fish on some days. We have brought our own chefs in to train the local staff and can now truly say that our retreats will bring you vibrant food!

During this week, you can taste every single dish that Morocco is famous for. From the typical tajines to pastilla and harera soup to delicious desserts. All freshly made, with care and attention.

If you have an allergy to a particular ingredient, let us know, and a separate dish will be made for you.
No alcohol is served during the week at our shared lunches and dinners and we would appreciate if you do not bring your own wine to consume at the dinner table.
On our last evening, there is the possibility to have alcohol during our closing dinner.


This retreat is now over for this year..

Please contact Rachel at to find out about dates next year or other Revaling Vajra retreats.

Your Hosts

Rachel Bonkink

Rachel Bonkink Yoga shala yoga retreat MallorcaYou will go home after this week, with a mental back pack. Filled with practical tools to help you maintain and cultivate Balance in your daily life.

I have been teaching meditation and yoga for way over a decade now and I do what I do because it is who I am. It is what I love to do. Inspiring people in anyway I can.


That’s quite statement. I know.
What I bring across in yoga is so much more than bending forwards and backwards. As I have a worked both as a COO and consultant before founding Revealing Vajra, I know what stress is. I know what deadlines are, real deadlines, handling huge budgets-with a lot of zeros. Pleasing your C-level customers, keeping your corporate tribe happy- our tribe had 100+ people on the payroll.

It is this unique combination – a deep understanding of corporate life and the corporate ladder, alongside a vast experience of mind-body trainings and many personal retreats.  Plus, the expertise of organising over 120 of my own yoga retreats and coaching hundreds of people that gives my retreats and coachings a very POWERFUL edge.

I will support you to regain focus and untangle negative thinking patterns.
“I will be guiding you back home to yourself so you can be your Authentic You in any and all situations.”


I will teach different styles of yoga, and offer lots of guidelines for meditation during this week.

All levels are welcome, I know how to adjust all poses. And, this is not a yoga retreat as such!

In the past twenty years, I have followed loads of teacher trainings and (silence) retreats, usually 2 to 3 per year. My very first training was in India, in Rishikesh, a simple standard 200 hours on Hatha and Ashtanga Yoga.

Here are some of my trainings and retreats, not mentioning the workshops along the way as that would make it a very long list:

  • Mindfulness for Life, Oxford Mindfulness Foundation, UK
  • MBCT, Brown University, USA
  • Positive Neuroplasticity, Rick Hanson, USA
  • Certified International Coaching Federation Training
  • Michael Lobsang Tenpa Meditation Retreat, Metta, UK
  • Alan Wallace Meditation Retreat, The way of Shamatha, Germany
  • Alan Wallace Silence and Meditation Retreat, 4 Applications of Mindfulness, UK
  • Paul Grilley, 100 hrs, Yin Yoga Teacher Training, San Francisco, USA
  • Alan Wallace Silence and Meditation Retreat, 7 Point Mind Training, UK
  • Tony Robbins, UPW, San Jose, USA
  • Bernie Clark, 100 hrs Yin Yoga Teacher Training, Vancouver, Canada
  • Vipassana 10 Days Silence and Meditation Retreat, Canada
  • John Stirk, Scaravelli Inspired Yoga Retreat, Italy
  • Sarah Powers Yin Yoga Level 2, Teacher Training, London, UK
  • Sarah Powers Yin Yoga Level 1, Teacher Training, Thailand
  • Sarah Powers Silence and Meditation Retreat, UK
  • Astrid Van Dam, Yoga Teacher Training, RYT 200hrs, the Netherlands
  • Association for Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training, RYT 200hrs, Rishikesh, India
  • Certified practitioner and Master NLP, Arcturus, Belgium
  • Traditional Chinese Medecine, the Netherlands
  • Young Management Program, Vlerick Business School, Belgium
  • Economical Sciences Master Degree, Belgium

I am happy to discuss your expectations and see if this retreat is right for you. I welcome any and all questions or concerns you may have and invite you to email me at: or just give me a call on +32 476 204 121.

You can read more about my story and starting Revealing Vajra here


Katleen Lefever

Katleen Marokko

What Katleen wants you to know about the retreat:

In our core, we find our talents, our skills, our knowledge, our inner knowing, our intuition, our curiosity, our stillness, our joy and so on.

To get to our core, we have to go through our red zone.
Our red zone is everything that protects us, such as our survival mechanisms, our beliefs, our patterns, our emotions such as fear, anger, frustration … and not to forget our ego.

Once we dig through all those layers, we find our core, our freedom, our childlike curiosity and enthusiasm that we all once had. When we rediscover this treasure and are able to return to it, we feel gratitude, freedom, joy, pleasure, growth, abundance…. etc.
If we manage to get to our core, we can achieve anything we want, without “chasing/pursuing it”…
“What we really want, finds us. The universe works for us.”
We have to reflect on ourselves to get through that red zone.
The key to reach this is self-knowledge. Knowledge of who we really are, knowledge of our psychological primary needs, our core values, motivation….

Finding yourself, hidden under all the layers of who you are supposed to be in all our different roles (being a good person, a good parent, partner, employee or employer, friend, neighbour …).
When we reflect, we don’t always find what we want to find or what we expect to find. And that is totally fine!

Change becomes possible when we accept who we are, with our talents and imperfections. For that we have to accept our past. It is my mission to help people find their mission.

On this retreat you can find out if there is something that you want to change. Sometimes it’s enough to make some adjustments to experience more gratitude, joy, happiness, creativity, flow, positivity in our daily life.

Katleen’s impressive track record:

  • 20 years of experience as a lawyer specialized in family law
  • Certified Mediator specialized in family affairs
  • Solution focused mediator/counselor
  • Coach in non-violent communication
  • Mediator in the final phase of life and euthanasia
  • Certified in non-verbal facial expressions and non-verbal communication
  • Certified Solution focused cognitive systemic therapist
  • Certified practitioner of NLP
  • Certified master practitioner NLP trainer and coach
  • Certified Reiss Motivation Profile master

In this retreat you will get the tools to create your life and future and by the end of the week you will already have taken the first steps. During this week it will be my intention to make you aware of your own thoughts and emotions.

After the retreat, your view of yourself, of life and others will never be the same as before.

Other people surrounding you, your children and family, your friends, colleagues will subconsciously feel your new energy. They might behave differently, without being aware of it.

You will smile and you can inspire others. 



Prices includes everything you can imagine.
The idea is that you can “leave your wallet at home”.

For real, there are no hidden costs; from your water, tea and snacks to your transfers and massage; it is ALL included.

private accommodation for one week

We recommend private accommodation.
If you wish to come with a friend or partner, let us know and we’ll make a combined price.

Cancellation Policy

You can secure your booking with a non-refundable deposit.

Our venue and myself are small business owners so we do not make any exceptions on the non-refundable deposit policy, no exceptions, sorry.

You can not transfer the deposit to another retreat. No exceptions.

There are no partial refunds for late arrivals or if you need to leave the retreat early.

The remaining amount is due 4 weeks before the start date of the retreat.

In the event Revealing Vajra needs to cancel this retreat because of government regulations, or simply not being able to have the retreat in Morocco for whatever reason, in this case, there are 2 options:
1. You agree with simply moving your booking to a new date.
2. You prefer a refund, Revealing Vajra refunds you what you paid, minus the deposit of 1250 Euros.

In the event that you need to cancel the retreat, less than 4 weeks before the start date of the retreat: There is no Refund.

We strongly encourage you to take a travel insurance to cover the costs of possible cancellation or illness.

Flights are not covered and not included in your retreat price.



If you are looking for the perfect retreat with the perfect teacher, stop looking, this is the real deal. I have been on quite a few retreats, had a lot of different yoga teachers and I even teach yoga myself but trust me, Rachel is different from any other teacher. She is passionate, generous, unpretentious, super knowledgeable about yoga and a joy to have around. This retreat was incredibly balanced with great yoga classes, meditations. It has hikes, ancient yoga philosophy and incredible good food. And, Cal Reiet is simply wonderful.

Charlotte A., Sweden

Once again, Rachel brought together a wonderful group of people from all around the world and gave inspiring lessons. This was my 6th Revealing Vajra Retreat !

Marie Louise Kok, the Netherlands

A thoroughly rewarding experience. Rachel is a rare and wonderful teacher, intuitive, imaginative and caring. With skill she creates a relaxed and secure environment that inspires growth and experimentation.

Matthew Allan, USA

If you consider a retreat, then I just have to recommend Rachel. Whatever your level of experience. We had yoga teachers in the group, people with injuries and people who had never done yoga before and it all worked beautifully.

Sharon Ackroyd, UK

I came to the Revealing Vajra Yoga retreat with an overwhelming amount of stress and anxiety. As the days unfolded and Rachel guided us through the yoga and meditations, it all shifted. This retreat gave me such inspiration to make some changes in my life. It was also really fun and completely relaxed. I can't recommend Rachel's retreats enough. Thank you for an incredible journey, I will be back!

Rachel H., Canada

This was my first retreat, but definitely not my last! Such a varied program! What a joy to discover different yoga styles, the philosophy behind it and the peacefulness of silence. All this in a friendly environment, and with the gentle guidance from Rachel. Furthermore, I really appreciated Rachel's approach to yoga and the idea that nothing is 'set in stone'. For her, everything is ok as long as it feels good. Also, to move and to stretch my body in the sun was so great.

Carina Bjurklint, Sweden

This retreat was the perfect way to unwind and destress from the busy-ness of life. I was a little nervous as I hadn't done yoga for a long time. But, the yoga sessions really are suitable for all. Rachel is a great teacher. She is completely in tune with the needs of the group, and has a gentle and relaxed approach. She makes everyone feel at ease. I really felt I was able to develop my skills and will be going home with much more confidence to continue my yoga practise. I could not recommend the retreat more!!!!

Lisa Forbes, UK

So WHY Should You Join this retreat?

Simple, this is the PERFECT environment to Unwind, to Relax,to take some Time off and Recharge.

We promise that everything will be included in the retreat price.

We are convinced that you will love every single meal.

We know that this venue is so special, you will never want to leave. 

But, when you do leave, you will leave feeling loose, stretched, stronger and more peaceful.

Furthermore, you will feel rejuvenated and most of all Happy.