12th May 2014
A blog post on request as I have had many new students asking me what poses they can do for headaches and migraines. So before grabbing the pill bottle, consider a yogic breathing exercise and these four yoga poses to help relieve tension, boost circulation, and calm the ...read more
19th March 2014
Still a little jetlagged but with renewed energy and lots of inspiration I'm happy to share my experience on our yoga holiday in Chile. Canal Om, a Dream come True Canal Om was our home for the week and this location is by far one of the most pure and ...read more
21st January 2014
I'm a strong believer of the idea that changing your thoughts, can change your life. Many people ask me: But, how do we do that? It has taken me years to think the way I do, so how can I change that into choosing only those thoughts that serve me? Awareness ...read more
2nd December 2013
Do you realize we are only four weeks before 2013 wraps up? Just four more weeks left! An interesting question at this point is: Are you on track for creating and manifesting the most incredible 2014 for yourself? Do you know what you would like to welcome into your life in ...read more
19th November 2013
Self confidence was the overall theme over the past few weeks in my coaching conversations in Antwerp. Important enough to share my thoughts about it on a broader scale, and give you 5 techniques that will help you in simply feeling better about yourself. On a very personal note. The fact ...read more
1st November 2013
Last weekend, I enjoyed three days in what looked like, Yogic Disneyland. Together with Giulia, owner of In Sabina in Italy and Gustavo Ponce owner of Canal Om in Chile, we set up our own stand at the London Yoga Om Show, in Olympia. 15.000 yogis to be expected, 4000 flyers ready ...read more
18th October 2013
Last week, I hosted, what I would call: the Perfect Yoga Retreat. 15 beautiful yogis and yoginis, coming together in Italy for relaxation, yoga, great food, growth, friendship and lots of me time. If you have been reading my previous posts, you will see that I’m repeating myself… I wrote exactly the same ...read more
4th September 2013
When I’m not bending people’s legs in a idyllic yoga retreat somewhere around the world, I teach yoga and I’m a personal coach in Antwerp. I prefer an holistic approach and therefore combine yoga, massages and one on one conversations. In many of these conversations, it’s interesting to zoom in ...read more
28th July 2013
It's just another Thursday morning and we just finished our yoga class. Tuning in with the breath, neck rotations, my crazy ankle flexes, some hip and heart openers, gentle twists, one sun salut, arm torture with the belts, forward folds, backward folds, warrior 1, 2, triangle, another sun salut, sphinx, ...read more
16th July 2013
"Thank God, just three more days to survive at work and I can finally relax and go on my holiday. And, let me tell you: I need it!" I heard many people saying this phrase or something very similar in the last few weeks. They are thrilled to plug out and not ...read more