6th February 2019
What if yoga, meditation and your green smoothies do not boost your energy? You do the work, you show up. Going to yoga, to the gym, meditating regularly and you’re sipping down your green smoothies. The newest self-help book is on it’s way and ready to be read and you are listening to ...read more
31st January 2019
Hey, how are you? Fine, great, couldn’t be better. And you? No, really, how are you? I’m asking as, around this time of year, lots of people are not so fine. So many days into the New Year, so many days that have passed already and they’re not coming back. And maybe, you have done ...read more
16th October 2018
Why is it that so many people are 'into meditation' but don’t seem to be able to set aside those couple of minutes to attend to the mind? As most people know by now, meditation has immense benefits. Meditation develops your mental balance so you can stop sabotaging yourself. A meditation practice makes ...read more
10th October 2018
Hooray, you are out of the burnout and ready to go back into the real world! “I am so proud to be over the burnout and I will dive right back in! Whoop! I’ll show the world what I can do and work even harder to prove it! I am back!” Is ...read more
27th May 2018
A silent retreat can be truly transformational and healing. With the right guidance, it can you give insights in your feelings and make it clear why you do the things you do. Zooming in on this subtle feeling that there is something missing for example. This overwhelming feeling of lack, of absence, ...read more
9th May 2018
“Métro - Boulot – Dodo”. An interesting little phrase in French to express that lots of people live to work. Literally translated but far less poetic it means: underground - work - sleep. We get up, commute, work, run errands, eat, and go to bed in order to repeat the ...read more
8th May 2018
On a yoga retreat, we step away from daily life. We have the time to pause, to listen and to become deeply aware of ourselves. By doing less and having the support we need, we can re-discover ourselves and start manifesting. There are also certain realisations that will pop up but ...read more
5th February 2018
Self-discipline, a tricky and interesting topic. Some people have a bit too much; some people can use a bit more. I am a yoga retreat expert. I host about 12 to 15 carefully designed retreats and holidays around the world every year. In the past 7 years, I have organized and hosted ...read more
18th December 2017
Flexibility and yoga, they seem to go together like a horse and carriage, in most people’s minds. What comes to these minds is usually the flexibility on the mat: How you can navigate yourself in some kind of a gymnastic pretzeling exercise. What I’m interested in, is to check on this ...read more
26th September 2017
"Happy, healthy and rich", it could have been the title of my first book as these words have been in my head for so long now. Happy, healthy and rich are also the basis of a mantra that I often share on my retreats. As, believe me, these words can ...read more