11th September 2024
Coming back from what seemed a very relaxing two week holiday somewhere nice and idyllic, finding yourself at the office, thinking: did I go on a holiday this year? Stress levels are up, kids to school, everyone back into the rhytm of daily life and the feeling of bluh arises again… I ...read more
23rd March 2021
A while ago, I was a guest on the popular 'Portugal, the simple life-podcast'. If you're even slightly thinking of moving to Portugal, take a look at this website! It has loads of valuable and practical information. Dylan, who's hosting the podcast was interested in my why of moving and ...read more
4th March 2021
Just be you or, better not? What an odd question you might think. Shouldn't we always be ourselves and thus our authentic self? From one question to another as now the question arises: who am I? In my case, I am a daughter, a lover, a soul sister, a meditation teacher, a partner, ...read more
26th January 2021
Wandering through the world. Roaming. Nowhere to go, nowhere to be, just be. Anything can happen, nothing might happen. No expectations and full trust that something fun will eventually happen. Being completely open to new encounters, to meeting new people and to visiting new places. New New was the word in a ...read more
29th March 2020
Wow, what have we got ourselves into now? A pandemic that's beyond anything we could have even imagined. And, we are all in it. Together. Whether we like it or not, there's not a single person on this earth right now, who is not influenced by it. In some way or another. ...read more
10th May 2019
Listening to the universe means listening to your inner wisdom. We usually know exactly when it is time to move on. However, our minds and the overwhelming emotion of fear can seriously sidetrack us. If you notice any of the following clues in your life right now; feel the fear, embrace the ...read more
17th April 2019
Mindfulness and awareness are wonderful theoretical topics to read about. However, instead of reading about it and keeping it theoretical, I’m an even greater fan of translating it all, very practically, into modern day life. How can you create more awareness in your modern day life? It’s all about making small shifts, nothing ...read more
12th April 2019
Meditation is not hard, impossible or time consuming. Your mind is not too busy and, there is hope. I will show you how to master meditation, using these 4 simple steps. 4 Steps for your mind training
18th February 2019
The secret to getting what you want is to know what you want. No rocket science. However, it surprises me almost every single day how few people know exactly what they want. Goals Most people answer the question in gloriously vague goals like having better relationships, or making more money or living healthier. Which ...read more
6th February 2019
What if yoga, meditation and your green smoothies do not boost your energy? You do the work, you show up. Going to yoga, to the gym, meditating regularly and you’re sipping down your green smoothies. The newest self-help book is on it’s way and ready to be read and you are listening to ...read more