
  • pool sunset quaryati

    Marrakech Yoga Retreats

    3rd June 2019

    What better way to see how awesome our Yoga Retreats in Marrakech are than to show you some of our pictures! There will be more Marrakech Yoga Retreats of course. I have organised over 20(!) Revealing Vajra yoga retreats in this venue and we are going back, not exactly sure when more

  • yoga retreat desert morocco

    3 Clear Signs the Universe is Telling You that it’s Time for a Change

    10th May 2019

    Listening to the universe means listening to your inner wisdom. We usually know exactly when it is time to move on. However, our minds and the overwhelming emotion of fear can seriously sidetrack us. If you notice any of the following clues in your life right now; feel the fear, embrace the more

  • seaview meditation routine

    How to Get into a Daily Meditation Routine

    4th May 2019

    Nowadays, it seems you either do yoga asana, which is all about physical wellness, or you focus on the mind and get into meditation. I hear it all the time, people who keep making the difference whether they are more into ‘yoga’ (referring to physical postures) or more into meditation. Which is more

  • create awareness yoga retreat portugal

    4 Easy Ways to Create More Awareness

    17th April 2019

    Mindfulness and awareness are wonderful theoretical topics to read about. However, instead of reading about it and keeping it theoretical, I’m an even greater fan of translating it all, very practically, into modern day life. How can you create more awareness in your modern day life? It’s all about making small shifts, nothing more

  • scotland yoga retreat meditation

    How to master meditation in 4 Steps

    12th April 2019

    Meditation is not hard, impossible or time consuming. Your mind is not too busy and, there is hope. I will show you how to master meditation, using these 4 simple steps. 4 Steps for your mind training

    1. Relax
    Before anything, you need to learn how to relax and to be comfortable with what is. You more

  • roadtrip yoga retreat

    Changing Times

    18th March 2019

    An attack in New Zealand, fear about a possible attack in the Netherlands, President Trump yelling, Belgian youth shouting and blaming, Paris looking like a war zone, over 50 refugees drowning, … I’m in Morocco, watching a news recap, horrified and for a moment, deeply sad. Where will all this lead us? What more

  • Yoga retreat Scotland loch tay

    How to Get What You Want

    18th February 2019

    The secret to getting what you want is to know what you want. No rocket science. However, it surprises me almost every single day how few people know exactly what they want. Goals Most people answer the question in gloriously vague goals like having better relationships, or making more money or living healthier. Which more

  • Eassouira Rooftop Sunset Yoga Blog

    Why Yoga, Meditation and Green Smoothies can Completely Drain You

    6th February 2019

    What if yoga, meditation and your green smoothies do not boost your energy? You do the work, you show up. Going to yoga, to the gym, meditating regularly and you’re sipping down your green smoothies. The newest self-help book is on it’s way and ready to be read and you are listening to more

  • Relaxation Rocks Sea

    What To Do with Those Winter Blues

    31st January 2019

    Hey, how are you? Fine, great, couldn’t be better. And you? No, really, how are you? I’m asking as, around this time of year, lots of people are not so fine. So many days into the New Year, so many days that have passed already and they’re not coming back. And maybe, you have done more

  • revealing vajra bali beach

    Life after burnout, now what?Major pitfalls of being post-burnout.

    10th October 2018

    Hooray, you are out of the burnout and ready to go back into the real world! “I am so proud to be over the burnout and I will dive right back in! Whoop! I’ll show the world what I can do and work even harder to prove it! I am back!” Is more