The words we useWhen I’m not bending people’s legs in a idyllic yoga retreat somewhere around the world, I teach yoga and I’m a personal coach in Antwerp.

I prefer an holistic approach and therefore combine yoga, massages and one on one conversations. In many of these conversations, it’s interesting to zoom in on the words that people use.

We use words every day to communicate, to express our feelings and thoughts, but we often forget how powerful they can be and how important it is to choose them with care if we wish to attract love, happiness and success.

Am I speaking Chinese to you? Not choosing the right words here?
Let me give you some examples and, just reflect if you sometimes use these words.

“Silly me, I can’t do anything right.”
This is very good for your self confidence. Not!

“My heart broke when I saw this and that.”

Why put it so cruel? If you use this sentence often, do you ever get any pains around the heart area?

“I don’t need much.”

Then you probably won’t get much.

“I’m afraid that this or that will happen.”

You’re attracting it already.

“I can’t do this and that.”
Do you want to?

“Life is tough.”
Do you want it to be tough?

“Most people can’t stand others to be successful.”
Can you? Having lots of jealous people around you by any chance?

“It’s survival of the fittest out there.”


“I get a headache already, by just thinking about tomorrow’s meeting.”
Congratulations, chances have just gone up that you will indeed have a headache soon!

The examples and my comments speak for themselves and my intention is merely to show you why the words we speak are so important. I usually say: “Keep repeating this sentence and there will come a time that you will actually believe it!”.

I can say that because this is exactly how our subconscious mind works. Whether you believe this theory or not, it impacts your life, and whether or not you want it to, it affects you.

This is how our subconscious minds works:

It always says ‘YES’.

If you are worrying that you are going to experience something terrible, your subconscious mind will actually bring that situation to you because it thinks that is what you want. It doesn’t know if you are thinking positive or negative thoughts. Whatever you are continually thinking, it always says ‘yes.’

It’s got a lousy sense of humor.

The power of your subconscious mind is unlimited, but it cannot take a joke. It takes your words very literally. Whatever you say, whether you are kidding or not, it thinks you are serious and it will bring whatever you keep saying, to you.

It will make sure you are right.

Whenever you use the phrase, “I can’t”, your subconscious mind will make sure that you are right. These limiting words are very powerful and it’s very interesting to check how many times you use them. Personally, I believe that most “cant’s” should probably be replaced by “I don’t want to”, but that’s a different discussion.

Acro Yoga

Many people’s first reaction to Acro Yoga is: “I can’t do that!”.


What you can do to influence your subconscious mind in a positive manner.

Use positive affirmations.

Start your day with a positive affirmation to help you keep your thoughts positive and limitless. Repeat them during the day and use as many affirmations as you want.

Use the power of imagination.

You can use various visualization techniques to mentally create a successful scenario of what you want. If you can dream it, you can see it, you can … 😉

Pay attention to limiting words.

Simply become aware of what you are saying to yourself and others, what words do you use? Are they helping you or putting you down?

Now that you know the enormous impact that your subconscious mind power has over your life, I can only advice to make it work for you, not against you.

And to show you how simple it can be, I’m sharing one of my favorite videos.

Do you agree with my words? Feel free to share yours!






3 responses to “Change Your Words, Change Your World”

  1. Karolien says:

    … you can write it down … 😉

  2. Great post, Rachel. I fully agree that our perspective on life impacts the results we get from our work. And our words reveal our perspective. This goes both ways, though: changing our words can change our perspective. But it is a bit of a chicken and egg question, since what would have caused us to want to change our words but a shift in our deeper intention to succeed and make a difference?! Keep up the great work.

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