Last week Myrna Van Kemenade and myself hosted, what I would call: the Perfect Yoga Retreat. We had 9 beautiful people from all around the world joining and some knockout diamonds were revealed.

Beautiful Yogis and Yoginis

I really wonder sometimes why I am this fortunate to be welcoming all these wonderful people on my retreats. From the minute they arrive, I’m like, hé, I really like you and heck!, I have a pretty good idea of what you’re going through right now. Some having a demanding job, others wanting ‘something’ else in life but not sure yet what exactly, most people active in Coaching, HR, Marketing or Consulting. And the overall desire to enjoy a relaxing and rejuvenating holiday, away from it all.

What made this retreat extra special is the fact that we had four people that had never ever done yoga before. Usually there are 1 or 2 beginners, but 4 was a challenge as Myrna and myself really represented ‘yoga’ for them.
I think we did a pretty good job! Only yesterday I received an email from one of the four, telling me she had practiced yoga every day since she got back home and that she feels fully energized again. Another person with many years of yoga experience, asked me about teacher trainings as she’s seriously considering following one now, wow!

What happened to get everyone so excited?

Yammie Food

First of all, the location. In Sabina is just perfect to stay in a yoga bubble. The rooms, the outdoor yoga deck, Fuzzo (yogi cat with therapeutic skills) and, the food. I just have to mention the food. We had the pleasure of having Hayley North as our chef this week and let me tell you, she knows how to cook healthy food! We even organized a spontaneous ayurvedic cooking class, very fun and inspiring.

Yoga retreats also have their fare share of yoga of course. After all, if you want, you can spend 3,5 hours in class. We started off slowly with Hatha and Stress Relief, zooming in on alignment and breathing techniques. Towards the end of the week, Myrna couldn’t hide her Shiva Rea inspired style anymore and we flowed from one asana into the other. The Kundalini class was also quite an eye-opener for many; is this yoga? Oh, yes, it is!

Well deserved savasana

As we offer a flavor of so many different styles, it’s always funny to see how everyone reacts. Some people look forward to the heavier classes at the end of the week and others will consider sleeping in on exactly those same days. Luckily, as in yoga, all is good.

Other highlights this week were some of the meditation sessions, our lovely Kirtan evening, the fire ritual, the excursion to Bagnioregio and of course the Friday night out. The carnivores had a blast,  the wine lovers were thrilled and it ended, again, in singing and dancing our way out of the restaurant.

All these things combined, made me say that this was the perfect yoga retreat and I’m very grateful to call this my job.
There are four more retreats scheduled this year and they could all still rank as Perfect; 2 in Italy and our new locations in Ibiza and Costa Rica. Just check out our site to read more. We’re putting up the Ibiza details as we speak!

If you’re still doubting if  a yoga retreat is something to consider, let me just add Thomas’ review of his experience: “ Before coming to this trip, I thought that yoga was more for women and that meditation wouldn’t suit me at all. However, looking back, I can feel every muscle in my body and I feel very inspired by taking the time to listen to myself. I didn’t expect to feel this relaxed and rejuvenated as I do right now.”

Oh, one more thing…
Joining a retreat without knowing the teacher might be a big thing for you. If you live in Belgium or Holland, this can be solved very easily! Just drop by in Antwerp or in Amsterdam (Zaandam), to experience one of our classes or just to have a chat. Looking forward meeting you!

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Yoga Retreats Calendar

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  • 3 Day Silence Retreat<br>Morocco 3 Day Silence Retreat
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